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Wednesday 14 December 2016

Cold callers - They don't listen!

Over the years, I've posted to Facebook about the random sales and questionnaire calls I've had, and how I get bored easily so fill them full of nonsense. Today I hit a new level......
I just fill them full of crap with my answers now hoping they'll get sick of me, but this guy is special.
By the way, I'm neither blind or in a secure hospital unit!

Caller: Do you own a car?

Me: No, I'm legally blind...

Caller: And would you like to save money on your car insurance?

Me: No, I can't see to drive!

Caller: Could I ask who provides your electricity and gas?

Me: I'm in a secure hospital unit so the NHS pays.

Caller: Are they part of British Gas?

Me: Are you serious?

Caller: Oh ok, Scottish Power.

Me: *laughing*

Caller: You sound very happy. Who provides your current mortgage?

Me: I'm in a secure hospital unit!

Caller: I'll just put the Halifax Building Society

Me: Really? Are you for real?

Caller: Going back to your car, are you interested in an extended warranty?

Me: I don't drive. I'm blind!

Caller: So someone else in your household is? That's great.

Me: Are you listening to anything I'm saying?

Caller: Of course, this is carried out on behalf of our clients! Have you ever had a loan or mortgage?

Me: No, I've never had either.

Caller: Ok, I'll arrange someone to call about you claiming back any costs or charges you may be entitled to via the PPI scheme.

Me: I've never had any charges, I've never had a loan or mortgage!

Caller: But they will check to make sure!

Me: I'm going to go now, I've got a driving lesson.

Caller: I thought you said you are blind?

Me: I am, but I have a modified disability vehicle.

Caller: Oh, that's great, have a nice day.

I'm lost for words...

I'm now going to post a copy of this to the Halifax and Scottish Energy!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

I'm planning something new for the near future! It involves me, a camera and borrowing cars! I'll be needing volunteers too!
Watch this space folks

Saturday 26 March 2016

What a difference 18 months can make

18 months since I last posted! A lot has gone on.
I recently was invited to talk about my experience with cystinuria to doctors and other patients at a rare stone conference. It was a great day and I meet some awesome people. Was great to hear about other people and their experiences, plus the historical element of the disease was a real eye opener (I use eye opener as the graphic illustrations of ancient surgery was, let's say it looked uncomfortable).

Fudge has a new friend in Walt the mini Rex bunny. They are still bonding but things are looking up and she is slowly getting more active. Since Fudge has the full title of Princess Fudge Mallow Delight, he is Sir Walter Blitzenhop - Thanks Claire - but he responds to Walt. And the shaking of the treats!

I now have Malcolm the hamster too. He was 2 when I adopted him and that was a year ago! He's very shy but extremely gentle when I do see him.

Health wise, my kidneys still stuck a fat one. I'm just waiting for an op date to get my left kidney cleared out. I can hardly lay down for the pain so it can't come quick enough!

Well, that's enough for now. I'll have to keep up with this blog I think. Especially since I've got the app installed now to remind me.

Oh, I'm living on my own with my pets now and getting divorced, but more on that another time!

Check out Fudges Facebook page at www.facebook.com/bunnyicf