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Sunday 2 September 2012

For those wanting more info about kidney stones

View Information about Kidney Stones at http://www.patient.co.uk/health/Kidney-Stones.htm

Monday 23 July 2012

Late nights and a twisted mind

Wow, Sunday night was not meant to go this way.
Gemma was made Godmother to her cousins little girl on Sunday. A fantastic honour and she is a really cute baby. So afterwards we went to the party and I decided not to drink much as my kidneys were doing a good amount of grumbling lately. Plus my mind want in the best of places anyhow.
A few hours, 2 instances of me being thrown up on by the newly christened baby girl and quite a few pints of Carling later, it was decided that we would venture into the Workington night to carry on drinking. Gemma half walked with, half carried her cousin, while I helped her friend while her husband walked ahead! After making to the next pub with only a little bit of skin missing from her knees, I handed the friend back to a chair then hit the bar for a bottle of Budweiser.
A couple of our neighbours were having a quiet drink near the bar and then while I was getting my drink, and older gent struck up conversation with me.
"Do you know much about computers?"
"A little " I replied.
He then continued to tell me about a plant that was hard to grow but he had found a way and wanted someone to help.
Thinking he was with neighbours, I politely carried on talking until Gemma came back and helped me to end the conversation. I got his number and told him I would call and awe if I could help him. Then I said "I'll let you get back to your friends" and gestured to the table behind. He told me he didn't know them and was over the other side of the pub!
Oh well.
Then onto the next bar. Again I carried the drunken falling woman to the next place as Gemma did the same for her cousin.
We got to the next place where Gemma got a great photo of her cousin on the floor (she also thought she was getting bought vodka and coke, only it was straight coke lol)
They managed to stay upright for a bit of a dance where as I stood with some friends chatting and testing drinks that should be banned!
It got to a point where it was time for Gemma and me to head home to a nice comfy bed.
We walked the 5 minutes home and as we got half way down our street, I realised my keys were in my suit jacket pocket. My jacket had been sent with Gemma's parents so it didn't get damaged.
Ooh Bugger
Thank God Gemma's mother it's such a nice woman!
So after a few minutes of me doing my best to shelter Gemma from the rain in our doorway, Elsie turned up with our keys.
I felt so stupid but greeted her with "thank you Elsie. I love you"to which she replied"piss off" lol. It want meant maliciously, but just had enough meaning to let me know I'm not ranking high on the intelligence scale at that moment in time.
So into the house we rolled, both laughing and discussing how much of a prized numpty I am.
I even got a really good disapproving look from our little fluffy terrorist Fudge bunny and even off Buddy the hamster! They forgave me after I fed them though lol.
The following morning was spent by me sleeping off the remnants of the nights exploits on the couch while Gemma went to check her cousin was ok and help her retrieve the kids from her mothers. I must point out Gemma didn't drink much at all so was more than safe to drive at this point.
The day rounded up nicely with a lovely dinner at Gemma's parents followed by my bro in law Craig coming in with a large amount of Krispy cream doughnuts!
I'm just hoping now that my kidneys, bipolar or depression doesn't get affected from the over intake of alcohol that I had.
Sorry to end on a low note, but the title of this blog did mention a twisted mind!
My body still aches though.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

New & shiny!

Just a short blog this time. Trying out the blogger app for my new phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note and it really is like having a computer in your hand!
I can do just about anything I need to do on the laptop and it has a touch keyboard that is in the usual qwerty setup.
But it has a function called Swype that makes typing a lot quicker!
Anyhoo, like I said, just a quick visit. Will be back with a full blog soon. Hopefully will have some news soon that could change a lot for me!

Saturday 23 June 2012

Insomnia vs Pain

So here I am at 04.45 on a Sunday morning, have not slept since getting up at 0730 on Saturday and this SUCKS!
Thing is, I dont know if it is insomnia or pain keeping me awake! I have both right now and hating it.
Anyhoo, I was at Freeman Hospital in Newcastle (NE England for those who dont know) for my 3 monthly appointment with my nephrologist. Also, I had an ultrasound scan to be sent to my urologist. They could only find 3 stones in among the scarred mess that is my kidneys! In January, the CT scan found 8! So I think it will be up to the surgeon to see who is right.
I have been placed back on a med called Captopril again to see how it works. He also said to cut out as much red meat as possible. Not easy when you enjoy your bacon as much as me.
But hey,life goes on. And before anyone asks, no I am not a vegetarian now. I just have to minimise the amount I consume....

Argh. So pissed off with not being able to sleep. I want to be able to get a good 8 hours at night. Especially when Gemme is not at work the next day!

Going to sign off and try for some shut eye.

Oh. Forgot to say. Please ignore any typos as I am using Gemma's new Galaxy S2 to write this.

Wish me luck. I'm going under the duvet and dont plan on coming back out until spring. Or when I'm hungry. Whichever comes first!
Goodnight all.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

A bit of this and a bit of that

So, here we are, summer feels like it is finally hitting the shores of good old Blighty.
It is lovely weather here now. Enough sun that I have a patch of sunburn on my shoulder from about an hour in the garden helping my brother in law with the fence from hell!

The fence wouldnt take the stain that was bought for it. Thats all. Quite a lot of nothing really!

My mood is a bit all over the place lately. I dont know if it's the Bi-polar II or if it's the increase in my pregabalin. I've gone up by an extra 50mg bd and this might just be enough to make my mood go a bit squiggly!

Have you noticed I'm ending a lot of paragraphs with an exclamation mark? Even this one!

Just a little randomness thrown in there.

Took my bunny Fudge to the big garden on Sunday. The garden belongs to my parents-in-law and is fantastic for Fudgey to run around and play in. But it seems the weather was a bit too warm on Sunday too. She spent most the time behind one of two bushes in the shade. When I picked her up, her belly was really cold. So I think I'll have to try that next time it gets warm. Go behind a bush, dig the top two inches of soil up, flatten a spot and go to sleep there.

Oh, new web site I'm having a good laugh at just now. It's called Text From Dog, and is the fictional (like this would be real) texts that a man gets from his jowelly dog, who has an alter ego, Batdog!!
There is a lot to go through, so put aside a good hour if you want to read all the entries on here
Kinda makes me wanna do a text blog - Texts From A Bunny. Hmmmmm

An advert just came on TV that makes me cringe everytime I see it. It is for a dating website called uniform dating. FFS.
You can imagine the amount of nutjobs that will go on there looking for a cop to befriend then arrange a meet and attack them. Or someone who has an unhealthy obsession with blue flashing lights and sirens (I have a story about someone who did actually suffer from this, see below). It could be dangerous. Plus I'll bet there are so many bogus entries on there too. God knows how the site has the money to run TV adverts all the time and it's been advertising for years.

Anyway, back to the story I promised above.
Please note that I am not pointing the finger at anyone for anything here. I am only writing what I observed.
A guy that went into the pub I used to frequent with my brothers had a thing for anything with blue flashing lights, sirens and even worse, fires.
The place where this pub is, is just a small group of houses that used to lay on the main west coast road between England into Scotland before a dual carriageway was built just a few metres west. This left a little piece of road that Todhills sat on. There must have been about 20 houses if that, and the little pub, The Highland Laddie.
There was quite a high rate of random fires around Todhills, and it was suspectd to be someone who lived there. Namely this guy that went into the pub. Only there was no proof so nothing could be done.
One night, someone came in to the pub to say there was two fire engines and some police cars on the other side of the main road. As people walked outside to see, the guy in question was already crossing the road to ''intervene'' once again.
It is most likely that he never felt a thing when the first car hit him. I'm not sure how many did hit him that night, but it is safe to say he never suffered.
What makes it more tragic, is the fact his mother was paralised after being hit by a car on the same piece of road.
I only pray that him, along with his now deceased parents, Rest In Peace.

Well, that was a bit of a downer story wasnt it.

Back to something a little more cheerfull I think.
I have finally got more than two photos of our little hamster, Buddy. He moves so quick that it is very hard to get something more than a blur! So hopefully this link will let you see the album of photos with him in. Only I have no idea how a picture of Fudge lazing around got in there too! Will have to delete it sometime https://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.337573422978929.73448.100001788214371&type=3
The account it is on belongs to Fudge actually! The account started as a way for Gemma to get more stuff for Farmvilleland or whatever it is she plays. Within a week, there had been about 200 friend requests for fudge from other people who have pet accounts. So now she has about 750 friends and it is a fantastic way to get advice, health tips, food do's and donts, what diseases are spreading where etc.
Plus when I ''talk'' to the others on there, it is one hell of a great escape from reality.
I have made some great friends via Fudge's profile now. A lot of them have been added to my own profile so we can chat as 'humans' lol.
It may seem odd to a lot of you, but this has been great therapy for me. A great way to escape the reality of my illness. I have also found out so much stuff about keeping rabbits from them all too.
I'm not afraid to say that I am a part time facebook bunny! Although a lot of people that read this will already know this.

Here's some photo's from a lake about 35 miles from where I live - Ullswater https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150845294474092.413949.717739091&type=3#!/media/set/?set=a.10150845294474092.413949.717739091&type=3

And here's some from Wastwater near me also - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150833529469092.412835.717739091&type=3
This is where my dads ashes are scattered. Ii took these on the day of the 8th anniversary of his passing away.
Time to wrap this up. My stomach is rumbling and I only came on here as a break from filling out a form!

Stay well everyone. I hope you all are pain free, ailment free and feel good.


Saturday 12 May 2012


Forgot to tell you all. I have been accepted to Google Adsense. That means I can make money for people clicking on the adverts via my post.
Not that I'm asking you all to do so.


Damn it Norman

Woke up this morning feeling, well, quite good as far as it goes for me. Reduced pain, feeling OK, and generally alright. Then, about half an hour after Gemma went off to work, I get hit with what felt like a full on nuclear war going on inside my kidney!
''This sucks'' I thought to myself. So I tried watching some TV to take my mind off the pain. Nope, that didn't work. So I tried doing some housework. That lasted nearly two minutes before I felt so crappy IO thought I was going to pass out!
So off I trudge in search of that little black bag that I keep my ''emergency drugs'' in - oramorph, and some other not as potent but just as important meds that I use for the intense pain.
Now I have not needed the strong meds for about 3 weeks now, which is good going for me, so when I took them, I had to be careful as they normally hit me harder than usual. And wow, did they work well. It still hurts, but I just don't seem to care as much! However, if the pain gets much worse, I will have to think about making a journey 10 miles south to my local A&E (UK name for an ER) at the West Cumberland Hospital, Whitehaven.
Odd thing. I cant stand bright lights when I'm in pain, and it is such a beautiful day outside too.
Kuffing Fidneys.

(my typo's have been removed thanks to spell check. I struggled to figure out what some words meant as I ran it!)

Saturday 24 March 2012

Hospital Appointments And Luxury Nights

Since I have to travel a good 2 1/2 - 3 hours to the regional hospital in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, North East England for my urology and nephrology appointments, the two departments try to work it so they are close to each other. The only problem being that my urologist has his clinic on a Wednesday, and the nephrologist on a Thursday (he is a professor at Newcastle University usually), so my appointments are usually one day after the other. It is best that way as it is normally cheaper to get a hotel overnight than pay the fuel costs to travel back and forward.
Anyhoo, my urologist, Mr Thomas, is happy with how I am doing and will see me again in 6 months. In the meantime, I will be getting a scan to see what things are doing in 3 months so that he can arrange surgery to remove any stones that are causing any problems towards the end of the year.
As I was sitting in nephrology waiting to go in to see Dr Sayer, I saw a line of what looked like student Doctors walk through and vanish into a room. When Dr Sayer called for me, he asked if it was OK if they sat in with us as since I had a rare disease, it would be good experience for them.
Now I have no problem with students sitting in or doing treatment as I feel I am giving back a little of what the doctors and nurses over the tears have given me.
Dr Sayer explained briefly to them what was wrong and asked me to tell them how many operations I have had for cystinuria over the years (46 in case you wondered) and then I shocked them by telling them how I try to drink at least 5-6 litres of water daily - adding that after speaking via facebook to other cystinurics, it is definitely the best preventative measure we can take.
They were obviously quite new as they didn't really know what to ask when they were given free reign to ask me questions. But they asked a couple that is usual stock for a doctor to ask, so they did OK. But it was just funny to see the shock on their face when I told them how much water I drink.

Right - onto the hotel we stayed in on Wednesday night.

Usually, when I have my appointments, my wife Gemma and myself stay at the Premier Inn, as the rooms are all the same quality and we know we always get a good service from them.
BUT, this time we didn't stay with them after being told about an offer with another hotel, so we went for it. It was only £1 more to stay there, and even though it was slightly further away, it was more than worth it!
The hotel? Doubletree by Hilton!!! £1 more, that's it.
On arrival, we were supposed to be greeted with a warm double choc chip cookie, but they were still in the oven. No problem, it's only a cookie.
We got to our room and after sorting our case, I put the kettle on. After making them, I went to unplug it and the socket decided to stay attached to the plug and it came out the wall! So I called reception and informed them. While on the phone, I asked if the cookies were ready as they would go perfectly with our cuppas. They said they were and sent them up with the maintenance guy. When he got to the room, he handed over the cookies and looked at the socket. Only he realised he had the wrong screwdriver and said he would be back shortly. BUT, luckily I happened to have the correct one in my bag (it's a handy size to carry). So it got sorted.
A little later, Gemma went to use the walk in shower. A couple of minutes after, I heard a scream. I ran in to find a shocked Gemma standing under the ceiling shower head. She was using the removable head and the water controls had 1 and 2 on it. She thought she was switching the power onto a more powerful setting, but never realised there was another head above her.
I walked off giggling.
I decided to make use of the business suite in the hotel as I had forgotten to print off some forms for the cystinuria registry. Only the computers wouldn't open PDF files. So off to reception to ask if they had a solution. The receptionist kindly let me use the office computer as they knew that had a PDF reader. And also offered me another cookie! I had to (very reluctantly) say no as I am trying to trim down. So documents in hand, I asked if they could do a second key-card for the room as you need to place the card in a reader inside the room to switch the power on (a very clever yet simple solution to save electricity). The only way to do this was to cancel the current in-use card and program 2 new ones. Not a problem as long as we remembered not to use the original one. Plus it meant I wouldn't need to bother Gemma in case she was still in the shower.
A while later we went downstairs for our dinner reservation to the hotel's Italian restaurant.
We were met  by a friendly member of staff called Paul who let us pick wherever we wanted to sit. Awesome.
For our starters, I asked for a prosciutto, fig and mozzarella rocket salad, Gemma
Onto our main course. I ordered meatballs with a spicy tomato sauce and penne pasta, and Gemma had the king prawn chili and courgette pasta. It was pretty special.
We decided to skip dessert as we were feeling quite stuffed by this point. Until a waitress told me that the cheesecake of the day was rhubarb and custard.
WHAT? REALLY? My three favourite things all rolled into one! How could I say no.
While waiting, Paul told us that the previous evening, the cheesecake was chocolate and Malibu flavour! This sounded awesome too.
My dessert arrived and we though it odd that it would come with a chocolate sauce and coconut shavings! Then we both tasted it and found it was the chocolate and Malibu flavour. There had been a slice from the previous evening and they had sent me that instead. Gemma told Paul that the wrong flavour had been sent but it was not a problem as it was superb. We just didn't want others to be getting the wrong flavour and to kick off about it.
Next thing I knew, I was being given a slice of the rhubarb and custard cheesecake! Courtesy of the chef. And also could we tell them which was better as they were having a competition to see who made the best one!
There was no way I could make a decision on which was better, they were both awesome.
So the meal ended with me having 1 and a half starters, a main course and 2 generously sized slices of cheesecake on top of the bottle of wince between us and I also had a pint of Amstel. Diet was well out of the window now and we were both stuffed!
I know it sounds as if they messed things up constantly, but the staff and service were second to none.
I only hope they have the same special deal on their website for the next time I have double appointments at the hospital!
We will be back.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Apologies, Addictions, Sulking Bunnies and Disabled Hamsters

So, I've not done a blog for a few days now. Sorry bout that. I just didnt have much to write about. Except pain. More pain. Oh, and some f*****g pain. But hey, pain never hurt anyone. Right?

I use facebook a lot. Mainly on my Nokia X6. But this week, I have gone back to the laptop.
And I made a discovery.
Something that has been around for a while, but I never knew what it was about or what it did.
And now I'm addicted!
To.................... ANGRY BIRDS!
Oh my chuffing dog, it's awesome.
I have got so far through it that no-one on my friends list has got as far so I have the top score and gold crowns in a lot of levels!
Except for one, and it's doing my nut right in.
I just cant even get close to getting more than two of the pig things.

If you dont play Angry Birds, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about right now so I'll move on.
In a minute

I'm trying to pass each level without using one of the power-up's too. So it aint easy.

Thats it now - Promise

Now most of you reading this will know I have a little domestic bunny who lives in the house with us.
Fudge is an amazing little girl. She hops herself into her indoor hutch to use the litter tray - which is good - and has figured out that when we sit down with our food, she can get something by begging. So we have had to resort to giving her some parsley everytime we have our meal.
Thats right, out bunny eats a meal when we do!
Now tonight, we have been busy. Gemma has not been feeling well and I've been in the kitchen doing dishes and tidying up, on top of spending most of yesterday sorting the desk where our old computer is. So she has decided (Fudge, not Gemma) to have a little sulk after I came walking past her once more without food!!!! Off into her hutch for a little while, but I could reach her there to ruffle the fur on her head. So she decided to hop under the table.
And would she heck come near me when I bent down to see her. She just hopped another foot underneath the table so that I couldnt reach her at all. Even when my fingers brushed her fur, she just stepped away enough so I couldnt touch her.
And there she stayed for a good hour.
She had to go back in her hutch and thats when I set my trap.
She cannot resist it. When she finishes what she is doing, she hops onto her shelf. And thats when I do it. I bend down, go nose to nose with her, and she looks me square in the eye. And licks me.
Everytime without fail. If I go nose to nose, she cant resist but lick my face.
Too cute for words.
Now she is back to normal. Sulk free and binkying around the room (she got to some tiny bits of icing that fell on the floor).
For those who dont know what a binky is, it is when a bunny jumps around in joy. Sometimes doing twists in mid air!

Oh, we have a hamster!
We adopted him from the adoption centre in a pet store in the town. No-one wanted him as he has a bad leg!
Poor little fella's front right leg has a siezed knee joint and the ankle has not formed properly.
But run, can he run!
He can shift like someone is about to steal his last morsel of food or stop me from giving him a tiny bit of cheese!
He has no problem with his wheel either. Unless he gets on it the wrong way round.
Because of his bad leg, he can only run on it one way. If he trys to run the other, he rolls out of it sideways!
This is a video of him learning how to use his wheel - http://youtu.be/vGfjYX9qD3M

And then he suddenly bonded with me one night and started this little game - http://youtu.be/H5q8njv1F30

Stay well and take care everyone

Wednesday 22 February 2012

SOCKS! I HATE THEM SOCKS! And a friendly text mate

Despite being ill, I do try to do what I can around the house to make Gemma's life a bit easier. Whether it's putting a load of washing in the machine, or doing some dishes. I do my best.
BUT.... I hate sorting socks. I can sit on the couch while I sort out the soggy pile of socks and put them in pairs to go on the sock hanger (yes, we have a device to hang multiple pairs of socks from), but it is mind numbing.
It might not sound much to you, but for someone with a short attention spa.... Ooh, a penny..... n, it is quite hard going. Especially if I have had to take some of the rank tasting oramorph to control my pain.
ARGH..... I just drop 3 pairs SEE, it aggravates me.

Anyhoo, I have been well enough to drive today. YEY. So I took Gemma to work AND picked her up again

Being home alone nearly every week day gets very lonely. If it wasn't for having my bunny companion Fudge, and now Buddy the hamster too, I would crack up. They give me something to keep focused on and stops me from lazing around on the couch 24-7.
But lately I have found myself needing human contact of some sort. Especially how most the people I have regular chat with are in the US and are a few hours behind. So they are sleeping until after my lunchtime! But fortunately, my love of rabbits and all things furry put me in touch with a few more people. Some of whom are in the same time zone as me too! One person I have really got on with, is someone else who is at home all day, but for reasons a little different to myself. We have a good laugh through facebook and text. But, she has a dark sense of humour. The jokes she sends are just the sort of thing I laugh at till it hurts!
I just think it's good for me to have someone to chat to, and it means someone else isn't feeling as lonely as me too.
Plus it means I get rid of some stupidness before Gemma gets home!
Makes daily life a little easier too. Thanks Kelly

Before I sign off, I want to tell everyone how proud I am of Gemma for all the weight she has lost. She is doing so well, which means she gets to buy lots of new clothes as she shrinks out of what she has! But I don't care. She is worth every penny and more.

Stay well everyone

Monday 20 February 2012

This Day Sucks

ARGH. That's how I feel just now.
My left kidney is playing up today and it really hurts.
Gemma has been calling me to make sure I'm OK, which does help me feel good.
I don't know what I would do without Gemma now. I'm sure she is an angel that has been sent down to look after me!

Another way of feeling good during a pain attack, is my little bunny Fudge.
Fudge will sit on her rug in front of the TV and watch me for a while. Then when I'm not looking, she will sprint over and launch herself up onto the couch and onto me. Only sometimes she will dig her paws right into my kidney! But it doesn't matter, because she will then sit on my chest and stare at me before licking my face all over.
Now if this happens to you and it doesn't make you feel good, then something must be wrong!

The worst thing about this kidney pain, is the fact it stops me doing stuff around the house for Gemma. I just want one day without any pain so that I can blitz the house and get it nice and tidy for her. I truly hate the fact I cant even stand doing the dishes for long before the pain gets really bad. All I want is to give Gemma a nice easy life when she gets home from a long day at work.

On Facebook, there are a few groups for sufferers of cystinuria. In these groups, I have found some fantastic new friends who make me feel like I have known them all my life - they feel more like family that I just have not yet met.
If I am having a bad day, I know they will be there for me and know exactly how I feel. And the same is for if any of them need someone to talk to, they will always find someone soon - including myself.

Also in the groups is the saviour of cystinurics - Dr David Goldfarb - who is doing research into the disease with the hope of finding a prevention and possibly a cure. Dr Goldfarb and his team give myself and a lot of others hope that we may not have to suffer this for too many more years. Although I do know that it is not definite that a cure can be found.

But it's nice to have hope after 20 years of pain.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Best Wishes

Someone who I now consider a good friend, and a fellow cystinuric, is on his way, possibly there by now, to Chicago for what I would call life changing treatment to make his life a whole lot better.
He has travelled literally half way round the planet from his home in Australia for this, leaving his wife and children behind. Although I believe his wife will be joining him later.
I think this is a very brave thing he is doing.
I want to take this time to wish Andrew all the very best and I look forward to reading his future blogs and hopefully about how well his treatment has changed everything for the better.
I will raise a glass to you Andrew. Cheers.

Check out his blog http://shakesandstones.blogspot.com/

Wednesday 15 February 2012


Just wanted to post some links that I find useful.

http://shakesandstones.blogspot.com/ This is for one of my cystinuria family, Andrew. Someone who is an inspiration to a lot of people, especially me, for the way he carries on with daily life despite his illnesses.

http://www.facebook.com/globalgenesproject This is a fantastic project that is helping to find prevention and cures for genetic disease. Please follow

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cystinuria This is the Wikipedia page for cystinuria - The genetic disease I, and a lot of others unfortunately suffer.

http://facebook.com/MrMooey My facebook page

http://www.cystinuria.org/index.php The International Cystinuria Foundation

http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/f5rs.html One of the animal shelters I support. You can sponsor one animal, or donate to the rescue as a whole! Very worthwhile

Timeline - 1200-1300 WTH!

It just turns midday and I say to Fudge the bunny ''Time for lunch Boo'' (no-one else to talk to while Gemma is at work)
Then the phone rings - 'Hello, is that Mr Mooree?'
'No, it's Mr Moore!'
They reply 'Could I speak with Mr Mooree please'
I knew this was gonna suck!
After a quick explaination on how to pronounce my name, they continued 'OK Mr Mooree, I am calling from Consumer Lifestyles'
From now on, I will mark what I say with Me, and the telemarketer as AF (Annoying F**kwit)
Me ''I have had lots of calls from Consumer Lifestyles, I'm not answering your questions as I have said lots of times before''
AF ''I understand sir. Now can I ask who your telephone provider is''
What did they actually understand?
Me ''I said I'm not answering your questions!!!''
AF ''Was that BT?''
Am I in the right conversation here?
Me ''No, I did not say BT, I said....''
AF ''Oh sorry Sir, you are with TalkTalk''
Me ''Stop asking me questions. I will not tell you anything''
AF ''Have you thought about making any home improvements in the near future?''
Me ''Yes, I'm going to put this phone through the window in a minute!!!!''
AF ''You are thinking about windows! I will put that down''
AF ''Oh, do you want a conservatory?''
Me ''NO''
AF ''OK, I understand. You want windows''
Me ''NO''
AF ''Then what do you want?''
Me ''I want you to stop asking questions and to take me off your list. I am always getting these calls!''
AF ''You have never been asked these questions before''
Me ''I'm hanging up now''
AF ''Before you go, can I ask you one thing?''
Me ''Whats that?''
AF - Hangs up on me!!!!!!!!!
GRARGH Damn you to hell Consumer Lifestyles
Why did I not just hang up at the start?
When they do call, the caller display just says 'Out Of Area'.
Five minutes later, I got a call from someone saying that I had answered a survey saying I want new windows and a conservertory!
I hung up after a comment that may actually be illegal just to think!

If you Google Consumer Lifestyles Nuisance Calls, you will get page upon page of people complaining about them. I get at least 3 calls from them every week. In fact, it is only the first this week so I've been lucky.

Then I remembered a link my brother-in-law Craig sent me a while back http://egbg.home.xs4all.nl/english/counterscript.pdf

It is being printed so I can ask these questions next time I get a call. Cheers little bro.

We eventually got our lunch at 1 o'clock. By we, I mean me and Fudge. Yeah, thats right, she gets lunch too. She is my companion after all and saves me from going insane.

I've signed up to TPS - Telephone Preference Service - which basically puts my number on a 'Do not call or you will get fined £2000' list. Onle they cant exclude foreign call centres. Especially Consumer f**king lifestyles!

Oh well, lets see how the Telemarketers Counterscript works next time they call.

Hope you are all well

Until next time - Dont go changin'

Monday 13 February 2012

X-rays. More chuffin x-rays

So I'm just back from the area hospital. I had two x-rays today. One for my jaw and one for my chest.
The chest x-ray was because after my last kidney stone removal op, I came out of hospital with a cough. That I still have! Although it is nothing like it was, apparently I have some damage to my lungs. A small section has collapsed and the rest of the lung has filled the space. It is not enough to cause any ailment, but it's still no fun to have these images taken. Lets hope my latest dose of antibiotics finally sort it out.

Now, my jaw x-ray. Just before Christmas, I got down on the floor to give my little bunny Fudge some attention. I was on my knees and leaning forward, like I was trying to do an impression of a dog. My right hand was on a rug and the rug was on the shiny laminate floor and it slid away suddenly, bringing my jaw into contact with the marble fire hearth that Fudge was sitting on. 3 fillings smashed out and 2 cracked teeth later, I took myself off to the dentist who did emergency patching of the fillings and one of the cracked teeth, but she ignored what I was saying about the other tooth saying ''it'll be fine. You wont need anything doe with it''. WRONG. Two days later my tooth shattered leaving a little peg shaped bit. But at least it didn't hurt anymore.
Now, the problem I have is that in the UK, a private dentist is not cheap, and the NHS dentists still charge a set fee. When you have an income smaller than Obama's fan base, it is not easy to get help.

But hey, at least I have my health. Oh. Hang on..............

Have a little giggle http://youtu.be/dDLxo0bZhR8 and this one too http://youtu.be/00PTLgoewjc

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Life after school

2 weeks after leaving school, I woke with an incredible pain in my side. I got downstairs and fell on the couch. It was 3 hours of agonising hell later that my dad came downstairs and found me. I was unable to shout for help so had to wait.
After a call to the doctor, we were on our way and 5 minutes later we were there. The doctor had a quick examination of me and said ''You have a kidney stone!''
Hmmm. I'd never even heard of this before. At least the pain killers will help and all I had to do was drink plenty of fluids and the stone will pass. But to make sure, an xray will be booked.
The next day, I felt better and recovered watching TV with my dad and the dogs.
My mother was away for a few days with a friend but couldnt believe what she was being told when she called to see how we all were!
''It wont be a kidney stone surely. He's only 16!'' said my mam. ''We'll see when the xray is done''
So a few weeks later I have my xray.
''Nothing, but the left kidney looks a little swollen, we'll get another done with a contrasting dye''. This is my new GP, Dr Baker. The first time I had met him too. I had previously seen the emergency doctor on call.
My xray was 2 weeks away.
Xray time with this funny dye time. It made me feel like I was shitting myself when they put the dye in the needle!
They took a few xrays 2 minutes apart and told me to come back in another 2 hours.
On the way home, I started feeling like crap.
That feeling passed and I picked up again a little later.
Back at the xray, more were taken and I was told someone would be in touch. So off back home I go.
About 6pm that evening, the phone rings and my mam answers.
''Get a jacket on Si, Dr Baker wants to see you NOW''
We get to the docs and sat in the waiting room. After a couple of minutes he calls us in and we sit down.
''Simon. The xrays you had this afternoon shows you have a blockage in your kidney. Probably that stone. So we need to admit you asap''
Oh crap, this sounds serious
''What will they do?'' I asked. ''I'm not sure. But there is a great machine at Newcastle that breaks them up and it's just like laying on a bed for a while. That should fix it.''
Famous last words doc.
So back home, pack a bag and off I go for what I thought will be a couple of days in hospital.
I get there and we have a letter for the on call Dr and instructions to go to ward 1 - urology ward.
''Hello Mr Moore. We need to get you into a gown for the procedure''
What procedure are you on about? Dr Baker said nothing about a procedure here. I thought I was going to be off to Newcastle and lay on a bed where a machine fixed me. Then we could maybe go somewhere for a meal before coming home. Noone told me about a procedure, so I just thought sod it. Not getting out of it so I will just go with the flow.
So off to the newer xray dept and a doctor and nurses were waiting in scrubs for me. Odd. Maybe they are just more comfortable like this.
This way Mr Moore. We just need to give you a few small injections into your belly to numb the area. Then we will place the tube into your kidney. You shouldnt feel anything.
Oh cool. It wont hurt. There is nothing to getting this done and OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL, THEY ARE STABBING ME WITH NINJA SWORDS MADE OF SPIKY FIRE!
It did hurt. As soon as they hit the kidney, I thought I was being murdered. Please God, let this finish quickly.
Doctor ''hmmm, most patients dont feel that. You must have needed more injections to numb you''
Well duh! That scream that you heard wasnt because I was having so much fun doc - I wish I had said.
Back on the ward, I was put in a bed with a view - of the city sewage works.
Oh joy.
But the nursing staff there was awesome. They all helped and explained everything they could and took the time to sit with me and make sure I was ok. Because of my age, I could have gone to the childrens ward, but I had already made a new friend and was having a good chat with the other patients so I said no. I'm ok here.
And what a laugh we had too. Not just us patients, but with the staff too. When they could, they would come round and chat
After a few days, I was on my way to Newcastle in an ambulance patients transport vehicle. My mam was a patients transport service driver. So she got that job to be with me, with her bosses consent too!
Free parking. It's not cheap for 4 hours lol.
So onto the magic table I go. A water filled bag pushes up against my side and the nurse says ''I've just got to give you this into the needle in your hand. You may feel a little drowsy''
Well bugger me. I felt like I'd just drank a bottle of vodka! Pethidine, the spelling may be wrong here, is strong stuff!
''Here's the headphones Simon''. Ooh, music too. Feels like a party now. There really isnt to much too this. I cant even feel this lithothingy. Oh yes I can. And it hurts. Just relax. Relax. Oh please RELAX!
The injection did something bizarre. The 5 minutes I estimated was really 45! So into the recovery bed and half an hour later we were on our way back to Carlisle Hospital.
Off for an xray the next morning to see the broken stone.
Nope. Still the size of a thumb.
Two more attempts on the lithodooblywhatsitcalled machine and it didnt change in size.
Right then. Now what? Ooh, they are going to knock me out an try it on full power!
''They had it on full power but had to keep turning it down bit by bit'' I told them. It turns out they started at 10 percent and it decreased to 2 percent!
So off we go. Me and my mam in the ambulance again. This one has a bed instead of a minibus transport vehicle.
As I walked into the lithotrypsy suite, I had finally learned the name, the doctors were waiting.
''How long does it take for the anaesthetic to start wo....''
''Mr Moore, wake up. It's over''
Huh. What happened?
It doesnt seem like seconds when you are knocked out like that!
An hour or so recovery, cup of tea and some toast and I was ready to travel back.
I was so glad the ambulance had sick bowls. Turns out I get severe nausea after being knocked out!
Off for my xray that night and once again, nothing. Not even full power did it!
So home for a weeks rest, still with tube in my gut to drain the kidney, then back in for an operation to remove the stone.
In 1992, the hospital did not have the funding for keyhole surgery! So I was opened up with a 20 inch incision. The bottom of my kidney near enough chopped off and the stone removed.
The first two days post op were a blur. Especially when infection kicked in and I had a dangerously high temp and equally high pulse of over 200.
To say the doctors were shitting bricks would be an understatement. But they cooled me with fans and ice and my heart slowed right down again.
They placed a stent when they did the op, only when they did an xray on day 3, it was not showing!
I had passed it into a pee bottle and noone noticed!
Little did I know how much one of those would hurt me later in life.
10 days post op and time for my stitches to come out. I find out that having them removed makes me want to pass out! Bizarre, because I find it interesting to watch.
''Hmmm, be right back Si'' says the nurse. And she returns with another nurse and explains ''there is some fluid coming from the wound. I know you are supposed to be going home today but we would advise you dont until this clears up''
Crap crap crap. I miss my dogs.
A few days later, this had shown no signs of clearing up so they decided to investigate surgically.
''Mr Moore'' this is the doctor '' we removed another stone. It had formed and blocked your kidney. We are going to send it for analysis and find out why you are making them so quick''
Odd. But at least I wasnt leaking piss from my side anymore!
A day later and I finally get home. It has been 2 months now since it started and it is finally over. Ahh.
12 hours later I was back in the same bed in hospital with severe pain. They suspect it is just swelling around the kidney.
NOPE. It's another damned kidney stone. 48 hours this one took to block me.
And so this continued for the next 5 or 6 years.
Then we celebrated when I reached a full 2 months without hospital.
Then 3 months.
All the way until 11 months and 3 weeks, I kid you not.
Sitting watching a movie at the cinema and that pain came back.
I was operated on that night to unblock both kidneys!
This thing sucks

The start of my problems.

Right then, I may as well explain things to you since you have taken the time to visit my blog. So lets go from the start.At school, I was bullied quite bad. Physically and mentally. And I still suffer with flashbacks, nightmares and certain fears now. Nearly 20 years later.
The reason I was bullied so much - I was overweight and lived outside of the small town where the school was located! Because my dad was an MoD Police sergeant, that also made me fair game in their eyes. My best friend in junior school went somewhere else for his senior years. His dad was the local police officer!He got lucky and escaped the shit.
The school was only small, which meant they needed as many pupils as possible to get funding. Each pupil was worth about 2000 per year to the budget. This meant if they kicked out the bullies, they would lose a lot of funding! Plus they were scared of a lot of angry parents, instead of 2 angry parents!So you can imagine my problems. Teachers who turned a blind eye to my hell. A teacher who called me a pathetic lazy fat useless bastard in front of the class! And a head teacher who once punched me in the chest for what someone else did but I got blamed by the bullies!
So at 16, I did my final exam and walked down the school drive knowing that in a few short minutes, I would be free of it all.
I was on the floor with a huge pain in my head and back.
Someone had ran down behind me and did a flying kick with both feet. I still dont know who it was to this day. But whoever it was, they jumped on the back of my legs and stamped on my head as they ran off. I was told by the laughing crowd to keep my head down while the attacker fled. I was not going to risk anything else happening so stayed put.
I limped onto the bus and started to feel safer as the driver had stayed on this day instead of talking to the other drivers.
Something was smacked over my head. I was told I was only getting off when an ambulance came for me. They decided to attack me bad enough to try and put me in hospital.
Now I dont know what happened, but next thing I knew, the alarm for an emergency door being opened went off and they ran.
The driver, who watched what was happening, ignored me and just shut the door at the back and sat down again.
Thats when I realised the only other heads I saw on the bus was those who attacked me. They had fled and I realised I was the only passenger. The rest of the school had not been released yet! A long, long 5 minutes later and the bus started filling up and we were on our way home soon after.
I got off that bus, walked the 50 metres to my house and never felt so relieved.
Noone was home except my dogs, which suited me down to the ground.
I sat on the couch with a dog either side of me and just collapsed into myself.
Yeah they got to me, but I didnt have to see them ever again. I lived on a military base and they couldnt get in.
It was over...