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Saturday 23 June 2012

Insomnia vs Pain

So here I am at 04.45 on a Sunday morning, have not slept since getting up at 0730 on Saturday and this SUCKS!
Thing is, I dont know if it is insomnia or pain keeping me awake! I have both right now and hating it.
Anyhoo, I was at Freeman Hospital in Newcastle (NE England for those who dont know) for my 3 monthly appointment with my nephrologist. Also, I had an ultrasound scan to be sent to my urologist. They could only find 3 stones in among the scarred mess that is my kidneys! In January, the CT scan found 8! So I think it will be up to the surgeon to see who is right.
I have been placed back on a med called Captopril again to see how it works. He also said to cut out as much red meat as possible. Not easy when you enjoy your bacon as much as me.
But hey,life goes on. And before anyone asks, no I am not a vegetarian now. I just have to minimise the amount I consume....

Argh. So pissed off with not being able to sleep. I want to be able to get a good 8 hours at night. Especially when Gemme is not at work the next day!

Going to sign off and try for some shut eye.

Oh. Forgot to say. Please ignore any typos as I am using Gemma's new Galaxy S2 to write this.

Wish me luck. I'm going under the duvet and dont plan on coming back out until spring. Or when I'm hungry. Whichever comes first!
Goodnight all.