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Monday 23 July 2012

Late nights and a twisted mind

Wow, Sunday night was not meant to go this way.
Gemma was made Godmother to her cousins little girl on Sunday. A fantastic honour and she is a really cute baby. So afterwards we went to the party and I decided not to drink much as my kidneys were doing a good amount of grumbling lately. Plus my mind want in the best of places anyhow.
A few hours, 2 instances of me being thrown up on by the newly christened baby girl and quite a few pints of Carling later, it was decided that we would venture into the Workington night to carry on drinking. Gemma half walked with, half carried her cousin, while I helped her friend while her husband walked ahead! After making to the next pub with only a little bit of skin missing from her knees, I handed the friend back to a chair then hit the bar for a bottle of Budweiser.
A couple of our neighbours were having a quiet drink near the bar and then while I was getting my drink, and older gent struck up conversation with me.
"Do you know much about computers?"
"A little " I replied.
He then continued to tell me about a plant that was hard to grow but he had found a way and wanted someone to help.
Thinking he was with neighbours, I politely carried on talking until Gemma came back and helped me to end the conversation. I got his number and told him I would call and awe if I could help him. Then I said "I'll let you get back to your friends" and gestured to the table behind. He told me he didn't know them and was over the other side of the pub!
Oh well.
Then onto the next bar. Again I carried the drunken falling woman to the next place as Gemma did the same for her cousin.
We got to the next place where Gemma got a great photo of her cousin on the floor (she also thought she was getting bought vodka and coke, only it was straight coke lol)
They managed to stay upright for a bit of a dance where as I stood with some friends chatting and testing drinks that should be banned!
It got to a point where it was time for Gemma and me to head home to a nice comfy bed.
We walked the 5 minutes home and as we got half way down our street, I realised my keys were in my suit jacket pocket. My jacket had been sent with Gemma's parents so it didn't get damaged.
Ooh Bugger
Thank God Gemma's mother it's such a nice woman!
So after a few minutes of me doing my best to shelter Gemma from the rain in our doorway, Elsie turned up with our keys.
I felt so stupid but greeted her with "thank you Elsie. I love you"to which she replied"piss off" lol. It want meant maliciously, but just had enough meaning to let me know I'm not ranking high on the intelligence scale at that moment in time.
So into the house we rolled, both laughing and discussing how much of a prized numpty I am.
I even got a really good disapproving look from our little fluffy terrorist Fudge bunny and even off Buddy the hamster! They forgave me after I fed them though lol.
The following morning was spent by me sleeping off the remnants of the nights exploits on the couch while Gemma went to check her cousin was ok and help her retrieve the kids from her mothers. I must point out Gemma didn't drink much at all so was more than safe to drive at this point.
The day rounded up nicely with a lovely dinner at Gemma's parents followed by my bro in law Craig coming in with a large amount of Krispy cream doughnuts!
I'm just hoping now that my kidneys, bipolar or depression doesn't get affected from the over intake of alcohol that I had.
Sorry to end on a low note, but the title of this blog did mention a twisted mind!
My body still aches though.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

New & shiny!

Just a short blog this time. Trying out the blogger app for my new phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note and it really is like having a computer in your hand!
I can do just about anything I need to do on the laptop and it has a touch keyboard that is in the usual qwerty setup.
But it has a function called Swype that makes typing a lot quicker!
Anyhoo, like I said, just a quick visit. Will be back with a full blog soon. Hopefully will have some news soon that could change a lot for me!