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Tuesday 22 May 2012

A bit of this and a bit of that

So, here we are, summer feels like it is finally hitting the shores of good old Blighty.
It is lovely weather here now. Enough sun that I have a patch of sunburn on my shoulder from about an hour in the garden helping my brother in law with the fence from hell!

The fence wouldnt take the stain that was bought for it. Thats all. Quite a lot of nothing really!

My mood is a bit all over the place lately. I dont know if it's the Bi-polar II or if it's the increase in my pregabalin. I've gone up by an extra 50mg bd and this might just be enough to make my mood go a bit squiggly!

Have you noticed I'm ending a lot of paragraphs with an exclamation mark? Even this one!

Just a little randomness thrown in there.

Took my bunny Fudge to the big garden on Sunday. The garden belongs to my parents-in-law and is fantastic for Fudgey to run around and play in. But it seems the weather was a bit too warm on Sunday too. She spent most the time behind one of two bushes in the shade. When I picked her up, her belly was really cold. So I think I'll have to try that next time it gets warm. Go behind a bush, dig the top two inches of soil up, flatten a spot and go to sleep there.

Oh, new web site I'm having a good laugh at just now. It's called Text From Dog, and is the fictional (like this would be real) texts that a man gets from his jowelly dog, who has an alter ego, Batdog!!
There is a lot to go through, so put aside a good hour if you want to read all the entries on here
Kinda makes me wanna do a text blog - Texts From A Bunny. Hmmmmm

An advert just came on TV that makes me cringe everytime I see it. It is for a dating website called uniform dating. FFS.
You can imagine the amount of nutjobs that will go on there looking for a cop to befriend then arrange a meet and attack them. Or someone who has an unhealthy obsession with blue flashing lights and sirens (I have a story about someone who did actually suffer from this, see below). It could be dangerous. Plus I'll bet there are so many bogus entries on there too. God knows how the site has the money to run TV adverts all the time and it's been advertising for years.

Anyway, back to the story I promised above.
Please note that I am not pointing the finger at anyone for anything here. I am only writing what I observed.
A guy that went into the pub I used to frequent with my brothers had a thing for anything with blue flashing lights, sirens and even worse, fires.
The place where this pub is, is just a small group of houses that used to lay on the main west coast road between England into Scotland before a dual carriageway was built just a few metres west. This left a little piece of road that Todhills sat on. There must have been about 20 houses if that, and the little pub, The Highland Laddie.
There was quite a high rate of random fires around Todhills, and it was suspectd to be someone who lived there. Namely this guy that went into the pub. Only there was no proof so nothing could be done.
One night, someone came in to the pub to say there was two fire engines and some police cars on the other side of the main road. As people walked outside to see, the guy in question was already crossing the road to ''intervene'' once again.
It is most likely that he never felt a thing when the first car hit him. I'm not sure how many did hit him that night, but it is safe to say he never suffered.
What makes it more tragic, is the fact his mother was paralised after being hit by a car on the same piece of road.
I only pray that him, along with his now deceased parents, Rest In Peace.

Well, that was a bit of a downer story wasnt it.

Back to something a little more cheerfull I think.
I have finally got more than two photos of our little hamster, Buddy. He moves so quick that it is very hard to get something more than a blur! So hopefully this link will let you see the album of photos with him in. Only I have no idea how a picture of Fudge lazing around got in there too! Will have to delete it sometime https://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.337573422978929.73448.100001788214371&type=3
The account it is on belongs to Fudge actually! The account started as a way for Gemma to get more stuff for Farmvilleland or whatever it is she plays. Within a week, there had been about 200 friend requests for fudge from other people who have pet accounts. So now she has about 750 friends and it is a fantastic way to get advice, health tips, food do's and donts, what diseases are spreading where etc.
Plus when I ''talk'' to the others on there, it is one hell of a great escape from reality.
I have made some great friends via Fudge's profile now. A lot of them have been added to my own profile so we can chat as 'humans' lol.
It may seem odd to a lot of you, but this has been great therapy for me. A great way to escape the reality of my illness. I have also found out so much stuff about keeping rabbits from them all too.
I'm not afraid to say that I am a part time facebook bunny! Although a lot of people that read this will already know this.

Here's some photo's from a lake about 35 miles from where I live - Ullswater https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150845294474092.413949.717739091&type=3#!/media/set/?set=a.10150845294474092.413949.717739091&type=3

And here's some from Wastwater near me also - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150833529469092.412835.717739091&type=3
This is where my dads ashes are scattered. Ii took these on the day of the 8th anniversary of his passing away.
Time to wrap this up. My stomach is rumbling and I only came on here as a break from filling out a form!

Stay well everyone. I hope you all are pain free, ailment free and feel good.


Saturday 12 May 2012


Forgot to tell you all. I have been accepted to Google Adsense. That means I can make money for people clicking on the adverts via my post.
Not that I'm asking you all to do so.


Damn it Norman

Woke up this morning feeling, well, quite good as far as it goes for me. Reduced pain, feeling OK, and generally alright. Then, about half an hour after Gemma went off to work, I get hit with what felt like a full on nuclear war going on inside my kidney!
''This sucks'' I thought to myself. So I tried watching some TV to take my mind off the pain. Nope, that didn't work. So I tried doing some housework. That lasted nearly two minutes before I felt so crappy IO thought I was going to pass out!
So off I trudge in search of that little black bag that I keep my ''emergency drugs'' in - oramorph, and some other not as potent but just as important meds that I use for the intense pain.
Now I have not needed the strong meds for about 3 weeks now, which is good going for me, so when I took them, I had to be careful as they normally hit me harder than usual. And wow, did they work well. It still hurts, but I just don't seem to care as much! However, if the pain gets much worse, I will have to think about making a journey 10 miles south to my local A&E (UK name for an ER) at the West Cumberland Hospital, Whitehaven.
Odd thing. I cant stand bright lights when I'm in pain, and it is such a beautiful day outside too.
Kuffing Fidneys.

(my typo's have been removed thanks to spell check. I struggled to figure out what some words meant as I ran it!)